Appoinment of LiquidatorsMatthew Roe and Richard Hawes were appointed join liquidators over the Company on 2 August 2023, accordingly the Company is no longer trading. If you have any queries, please contact |
Guidance for former Skills Training UK learnersGuidance for learners, apprentices and employers undertaking an Apprenticeship or other ESFA-funded training programme (such as study programme or Traineeship) with Skills Training UK Limited, is available on at: | ||
If you were undertaking a Gateway Qualifications’ qualification, please visit: If you were undertaking a Pearson qualification, please visit: If you were undertaking a City and Guilds qualification, please visit: If you were undertaking a Ascentis qualification, please visit: |
If you are based in the West Midlands and were undertaking a short adult education course, please contact: If you are a London resident and were undertaking an adult course, please direct any enquiries to: If you are based in South Yorkshire and were undertaking a short adult education course, please contact: |
ApprenticesIf you were being supported on an Apprenticeship with STUK you will be contacted directly either by your employer who will help you find an alternative supplier, or you may receive contact directly from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). If you are an employer who has been working with STUK, the ESFA are making direct contact with you to identify a new provider to support you. |
GCSE Resit Result Contact Information:Please note results will be released on Thursday 24th August 2023. Sheffield Learners: To access results log into your portal using the details emailed to you earlier in the year. If you have any you can contact the exam centre here: Canterbury Learners: visit or contact Kent College on or after GCSE results day. Exams Officer: Midlands Learners: contact the English Maths Science Tuition Examination Centre at London Learners: your results should be emailed directly to you by London Brookes College. Exam Office: |